Active Calls API

Active calls API allows you to get a "snapshot" of your call center current telephony activity, by using a simple WEB request. You can also monitor your users and queues activity in any given moment.
active calls api scheme


General Explanation


The active calls API gives you a clear picture of how many active calls your organization currently have and/or how many calling clients are currently waiting in your queue/s.

You can also perform your own dedicated popup with this api when an agent answer and call they press a button in your crm system which triggers an api reqeust to Voicenter Active Calls api.



Returns data by a specific extension or all extensions in your call center.






Acceptable Request Types

2. GET

Possible Response Formats


Client Request Parameters


Field name Description Type Remarks
codePersonal identifier, provided by Voicenter.StringMandatory
extensionIn case you wish to get result for a specific extension.
Extension SIP identifier, provided by Voicenter.
If this field is not sent in the request, the API will return all extensions data.


Client Request Example (GET)




Client Request Example (POST - JSON)


"extension": "SIPSIP"


Voicenter Response Parameters


Field name Description Type
ERRResponse status:
"0" – No errors.
"1" – The request format is invalid.
"2" – Either the sent parameters values are incorrect or Voicenter internal issue.
DESCResponse status description:
"OK" – No errors.
"Authorization failed." - The request format is invalid.
"Internal error." – Either the sent parameters values are incorrect or Voicenter internal issue.
List of the requested extensions.
nameThe Voicenter user name that the extension is associated with.String
userIDThe Voicenter user ID that the extension is associated with.Integer
representativeThe Voicenter user name that is currently logged in to the extension.String
onlineUserIDThe Voicenter user ID that is currently logged in to the extension.Integer
usernameThe extension unique SIP code identifier.String
onlineUserStatusThe user status that is currently logged into the extension:
"1" – Login.
"2" – Logout. *
"3" – Lunch.
"5" – Administrative.
"7" – Private.
"9" – Other.
"11" – Training.
"12" - Team meeting.
"13" – Brief.
*Logout is the default status that is return in case there is no logged in user on an extension.
callsJSON array type.
Displays the currently active calls at the extension.
callStartedThe time that the call started in EPOCH time.Integer
callAnsweredThe time that the call was answered in EPOCH time.
In case the call was not answered yet, it will return "0".
answeredWas the call answered?
"0" – No (or not yet).
"1" – Yes.
callernameCaller name that is shown at the destination phone (Supported only for Voicenter extensions).String
callerphoneCaller caller ID.String
callstatusThe call status:
"Ringing" – An incoming call is currently ringing at the extension.
"Dialing" – In case the extension is making an outgoing call and the call was not answered yet.
"Talking" – There is an ongoing conversation at the extension (an incoming or outgoing call).
"Hold" – In case the call was put on "Hold".
customdataJSON array type.
Displays custom data that was sent to Voicenter.
In addition, if a specific call has an origin call it will display here with the field name "OriginalIvrUniqueID".
For example: if a call was first answered by one representative who then transferred it to another representative.
The second part of the call that was transferred, will have in the "CustomData" field a ivrid value of the original call, thus associating both calls.
directionGeneral call direction:
ivridDisplays the ID code of the specific call.
Unique identifier.
recordingJSON array type.
Displays the call recording data.
FilenameThe recording file name.String
IsMutedDisplays if the current conversation in now recorded?
"0" – Not muted. The conversation is now being recorded.
"1" – Muted. The conversation is not being recorded now.
With Mute Call API you can control which part of a call will be recorded.
didIn case of an incoming call, displays the phone number that the caller dialed to.String


Voicenter Response Example


"ERR": 0,
"DESC": "OK",
"name": "User 1",
"representative": "User 1",
"username": "SIPSIP1",
"extensionID": 875756567,
"userID": 6946792,
"onlineUserID": 0,
"onlineUserStatus": 2,
"calls": [
"name": "User 2",
"representative": "User 2",
"username": "SIPSIP2",
"extensionID": 97483478,
"userID": 46454322,
"onlineUserID": 46454322,
"onlineUserStatus": 1,
"calls": [
"callStarted": 1602465818,
"callAnswered": 1602465819,
"answered": 1,
"callername": "Voicenter",
"callerphone": "0722776772",
"callstatus": "Talking",
"customdata": {
"direction": "Outgoing",
"ivrid": "2020101201cc7b38df",
"recording": {
"Filename": "2020101201cc7b38df-aws-SIPSIP2-972722776772.mp3",
"IsMuted": 0
"did": ""




Returns data by a specific queue or all queues in your call center.






Acceptable Request Types

2. GET

Possible Response Formats


Client Request Parameters


Field name Description Type Remarks
codePersonal identifier, provided by Voicenter.StringMandatory
queueIn case you wish to get result for a specific queue.
Queue ID identifier, provided by Voicenter.
If this field is not sent in the request, the API will return all queues data.


Client Request Example (GET)




Client Request Example (POST - JSON)


"queue": "XXXXXXXXX"


Voicenter Response Parameters


Field name Description Type
ERRResponse status:
"0" – No errors.
"1" – The request format is invalid.
"2" – Either the sent parameters values are incorrect or Voicenter internal issue.
DESCResponse status description:
"OK" – No errors.
"Authorization failed." - The request format is invalid.
"Queue is not found in this account" – In case the queue field value is incorrect.
"Internal error." – Either the sent parameters values are incorrect or Voicenter internal issue.
QUEUESJSON array type.
List of the requested queues.
NameThe queue name.String
IDThe queue ID.Integer
WeightThe current queue weight configuration.Integer
CallersJSON array type.
Displays the active calls at the queue.
PhoneCaller caller ID.String
CallIDDisplays the ID code of the specific call.
Unique identifier.
JoinTimeThe time that the call entered the queue in EPOCH time.Integer
DurationThe time that the call is currently waiting in the queue in Seconds.Integer


Voicenter Response Example


"ERR": 0,
"DESC": "OK",
"Name": "QUEUE 1",
"ID": 12345678,
"Weight": 5,
"Callers": [
"Phone": "0722776772",
"CallID": "202010131430590714966",
"JoinTime": 1602599565,
"Duration": 21
"Phone": "0501234567",
"CallID": "202010131433000d14cc4b",
"JoinTime": 1602599583,
"Duration": 3
"Name": "QUEUE 2",
"ID": 87654321,
"Weight": 0,
"Callers": [